I didn't have a very good night's sleep again. I was awake for almost two hours between 1230 and 230, and I couldn't get comfortable in bed. I'm feeling fatigued this morning and I have a long day ahead. The Fitbit split the sleep into two segments and it could not analyse the first, hence the empty sleep statistics.

And strangely the fat % has popped up overnight. I had a glass of wine as a reward for finishing an essay that has been causing me grief for weeks. 250ml of red wine is usually fine but there are two of us and a bottle of 750ml. This is why I usually mark days with wine as a yellow. I hydrated well yesterday. I had to break the fast with a piece of cheese at 1600 due to hunger and the meal was haddock with salad. Nevermind - let's see what happens in the week. There were traces of ketones in the test this morning so things should be going the right way. Given the state of my arm, I will be happy if I maintain my weight to be honest. As long as the kilos don't pile on.