By and large, people seemed to be sensible this weekend. There didn't seem to be too many people out and about, although perhaps my view was skewed by the reduced train service. I'm visiting the hospital weekly either for a consultation or to check that the brace is still in the right place. It's time-consuming but necessary. It takes me longer to do regular things like writing and showering, but this shall pass. It's frustrating but it will pass!

Being creative is tricky because getting the ideas onto the page takes longer at the moment. This is the thing that is really getting to me. Still onward and upward.

1. Quote of the week

An obedient horse can help man in his daily tasks but a stubborn mule can do more harm than good. -- Fr A. J. Paone

2. What I'm reading

I finished two books this week:

  1. On the shortness of life, Seneca. One of many translations, this 25-page book is Seneca's philosophical view on life as a journey. Everyone should read it at least once. It rings true today.
  2. Viking Britain: A History, Thomas Williams. I picked this up as a paperback on sale in a cheap bookshop some time ago. Actually, it must have been a long time ago because I bought Trump: Fire and Fury at the same time. I've been reading this on and off over the past two months. It describes Viking Britain well but it seems to be mostly about conflict. It's interesting to see the Norse influence in the UK documented, but I found it difficult to read at times and perhaps not as gripping as the reviews say. Different strokes for different folks. I'm glad I got through it and I'm also glad I wasn't around in 870 - bloody times.

I'm currently reading Bad Words: and what they say about us, Philip Gooden. 

3. What I'm doing in my free time/ENJOYING

Frankly, I'm doing very little other in my spare time than reading and television. We managed to get out and have a meal in a restaurant on Saturday. I'm limited in what I can do. I've started to watch Star Trek: Enterprise again. I'm not sure where the 16 years since it was made have gone.

4. What I'm learning more about

I'm deep in the study of a teaching qualification. The current topics are boosting basis skills (English, maths, ICT) and inclusive teaching methods. The book by Gravells specific to the qualification is easy to read and comprehensive. I have to read a section, absorb it and write an essay. Ironically the book tells me that students only remember 10% of what they read... still, I'm not in a position to question the course delivery at this stage.